Bottled water is not only harmful for the environment, it is also in the water! As per a recent study which tested bottled water for plastics, it was found that there were substantial amounts of microplastic in the bottled water. Premium products like Dasani and Aquafina are among the brands in which microplastic was detected. The average amount of microplastic found ranged from zero to more than 10,000 likely plastic particles in a single bottle, which is a cause for concern. This raises questions as to how to safeguard the consumers with regards to health hazards and the quality of water being consumed.
We at Drinkpod understand the importance of pure water and how it brings health and nourishment to your homes and offices. Our water coolers are bottleless, thus eliminating the need for any type of contact with plastic in the first place. Also, we have high-tech filters in our coolers, which ensure that 99% of the particulates in the water are removed. In addition, our filters ensure that your water is fortified with minerals and tastes great!
To learn more about our unique filtration system and features, click here.